Enter referral code STAR-SFVL-W7BT when creating a new Star Citizen account and immediately receive 5000 in-game credits!
Part 1: Enlist Now
Click "Enlist Now" in the header of this website.
Or, simply follow this link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-SFVL-W7BT
Create Account.
This will take you to Star Citizen’s account creation page. Once here, you will be asked to come up with a unique account name or call sign, your email, a password, date of birth, and a referral code which has been prepopulated.
If the Referral Code field is blank, enter:
Agree to the Terms of Service (which I highly recommend you read), and click Enlist.
Account Creation Completed!
Your first step is complete! Click Account to confirm you have received the 5,000 free in-game credits (also knows as UEC).
If for some reason you do not see the credits populate, please contact Customer Support and inform them that your referral credits were not received. They will swiftly correct this for you.
Part 2: Purchase a Game Package
Visit the Pledge Store
Click Pledge Store to visit the Cloud Imperium Games / Roberts Space Industries shop (game packs section).
Note: now is a good time to disable ad blockers, as they may interfere with the checkout process.
Pick a Pack!
A "Game Package" is any pack that includes access to Star Citizen. While there are a variety of "starter packs" available that contain different starter ships, let's focus on the most affordable Star Citizen Game Packages:
Mustang Alpha Starter Pack
The Mustang Alpha has good flight performance, turreted weapons, and can carry cargo.
Aurora MR Starter Pack
The Aurora can carry cargo boxes, has two weapons, missiles and a bed which allows you to log out wherever you may be in the 'verse.
I believe the Aurora is a more flexible ship, and usually recommend it over the Mustang.
Once you make your choice, click Add to Cart.
Begin the Checkout Process
At this point, you can decide to add Squadron 42 (the single player game) to your game package. If you choose not to add Squadron 42 at this time, you can always buy it as a standalone pledge later on for $45.
Click Checkout.
Update Information
Click Add a new address to the right of the Billing Information section.
Fill in all applicable fields and click Confirm.
Place Order
Click Proceed to Pay.
Fine Print
Once you click place order you will be presented with a disclaimer: Please read it! This game is in open development and you should be aware of what you are pledging for.
Once you've finished reading, click I Agree.
Complete Payment
Choose from the payment options available to you. Credit card information can be entered directly on the site, but other payment options may open separate windows for you to complete the transaction (allow pop-ups).
Once all information is entered, click Place Order.