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The Star Citizen community is filled with passionate people who create incredible tools.  

CCU Game by rischwa

So, you have a starter ship and decided it's time to upgrade? Nothing in all of Star Citizen history has saved Citizens more money than this app! CCU Game by rischwa helps you construct the cheapest paths to your target ship, which is particularly useful during sales, where CIG offers discounted warbond upgrades. Always being iterated on, there's no better tool in the 'verse!

Fleetviewer by STARJUMP

New Fleet Viewer with fully rendered ships, one of the best community tools created in many years for those who like to display their digital collections. 

StarShip 42 by LundFoci

A number of fantastic tools can be found on this site, with the most notable being FleetView: create 3D images of your fleet. If you spend any time with the Star Citizen community, you will eventually see fleets built using FleetView.

Universal Item Finder

You logged into the game for the first time and saw someone cruising on the Dragonfly hoverbike. Now you want a chance to take it for a spin! Universal Item Finder provides you with the locations and pricing of all purchasable / rentable items in the 'verse!

#DPSCalculatorLIVE by Erkul

Have to decide between that CF-337 Panther Repeater or the Mantis GT-220 Gatling? Erkul has you covered with #DPSCalculatorLIVE where you can easily compare ship components and stats not easily available elsewhere. 

SC Trade Tools

Need critical supply chain data for your trading or mining expedition? SC Trade Tools is a fantastic resource for locating sellers and buyers by commodity, planning trade routes, and researching stock levels. If you're into mining, then gain access to the best spots to find quantanium and suitable refineries. 


An excellent resource for finding commotidities, items, locations, vehicles, and more.  Need to plan a route across Pyro, and you're on a budget? UEX can help you shop fuel prices as well UEX also hosts an in-game market place for folks looking to pick up some unique gear in the 'verse. 

The Witcher Image


This is the single best repository of fan-created characters ready to import into your SC folder for use in-game! Want to explore the 'verse as Chris Roberts, Disco Lando, Ron Burgundy or the Witcher? If that sounds like fun, or if you have your own awesome character you'd like to share, visit:

Do you use a tool that you think should be included here? Let me know!